Sunday, September 14, 2014

All Boys And That Is OK!

I cannot believe I have not written anything about the new guy.  Yes!  I said guy, we had another boy.  Peanut and Sweetface are both boys.  Hmmm.  What shall your nickname be new one?  Most of the time I call him Bubsy.  Some kind of combination for brother and baby all in one.  We'll go with it for now.

Anyway, Bubsy was born on 9-11-13 by emergency C-section due to the cord wrapped around his neck several times.  Everyone was fine and his little head was perfectly round.  The older boys are in love with the little guy.  It has been a little over one year already.  Everyone has adjusted and we seem to be moving along just fine. 

I will admit, there are times I wish I had a day or two to myself.  Maybe some time to relax or get a haircut or paint the kitchen without a "helper".  Overall, I would not change anything.  In time I will have a day or two to myself so I'm in no hurry.  We are on a waitlist for daycare, but I sort of cringe at having to pay to send you away.  Though it would be nice to finish the kitchen sooner rather than later.

So let's see.  What has happened in a year?  New brother.  I started painting the kitchen cabinets.  Both older ones are in Cub Scouts.  Peanut plays soccer.  School has started.  One in third and the other in first grade.  Both teachers seem to be great.  Things are humming along.

Peanut is a smart cookie but sometimes I wonder if all your marbles are in there.  I cannot seem to get you to write anything you don't want to.  Math seems to be your favorite, but you are not interested in doing it.  I try each evening to get you to practice a bit so you can get better and faster.  Your IQ won't pass a test.  You are so smart, but sometimes you can be stubborn and lazy.  It's hard for us parents to see you so gifted and so...I don't know the word.  Lazy isn't always right.  Maybe, struggle.  It's hard to see you so smart and gifted and yet struggle to do something.  There are times I wish I could focus on you more.  I have to chase Bubsy and  deal with him and it cuts into our time.  I need to start mommy/daddy son dates again.  The trouble is we don' t have a lot of time.  Maybe once a week or every other week we can spend some time together.

Sweetface is also a smart cookie.  Sometimes I'm surprised how smart you are.  You seem to be naturally good at math and other areas of school.  I think practice will keep you on track.  I'm not sure if you will be in the AIM program like Peanut, but if you are or even if you aren't it doesn't matter.  You can do and be whatever you want.  You are a different child and no less fantastic.  I also wish I had more time to dedicate to you.  I plan to spend some nap times working on this so I have some things prepared for you to do. 

Bubsy.  You are something else.  You look and act so much like the others did.  You are way ahead though.  You were walking very well the week before your first birthday.  The others barely took any step at all by one.  You have six teeth and seem to be getting some more.  You also have much longer hair than they did.  I need to spend some more time focusing on teaching you things.  It seems there is always something else to do.  Errands or a project or whatever.  I still need to work with you though.  Right now we are both sick so resting and getting better has been the priority.  I am hopeful we can get better soon and move on to new and better things.  The house starts to fall apart when I don't feel well.  I need to get back to normal.

I'm not sure what else to write for tonight.  I wanted to update a bit though.  Perhaps I can write more often then once per year?  Here is to hoping.