Sunday, September 14, 2014

All Boys And That Is OK!

I cannot believe I have not written anything about the new guy.  Yes!  I said guy, we had another boy.  Peanut and Sweetface are both boys.  Hmmm.  What shall your nickname be new one?  Most of the time I call him Bubsy.  Some kind of combination for brother and baby all in one.  We'll go with it for now.

Anyway, Bubsy was born on 9-11-13 by emergency C-section due to the cord wrapped around his neck several times.  Everyone was fine and his little head was perfectly round.  The older boys are in love with the little guy.  It has been a little over one year already.  Everyone has adjusted and we seem to be moving along just fine. 

I will admit, there are times I wish I had a day or two to myself.  Maybe some time to relax or get a haircut or paint the kitchen without a "helper".  Overall, I would not change anything.  In time I will have a day or two to myself so I'm in no hurry.  We are on a waitlist for daycare, but I sort of cringe at having to pay to send you away.  Though it would be nice to finish the kitchen sooner rather than later.

So let's see.  What has happened in a year?  New brother.  I started painting the kitchen cabinets.  Both older ones are in Cub Scouts.  Peanut plays soccer.  School has started.  One in third and the other in first grade.  Both teachers seem to be great.  Things are humming along.

Peanut is a smart cookie but sometimes I wonder if all your marbles are in there.  I cannot seem to get you to write anything you don't want to.  Math seems to be your favorite, but you are not interested in doing it.  I try each evening to get you to practice a bit so you can get better and faster.  Your IQ won't pass a test.  You are so smart, but sometimes you can be stubborn and lazy.  It's hard for us parents to see you so gifted and so...I don't know the word.  Lazy isn't always right.  Maybe, struggle.  It's hard to see you so smart and gifted and yet struggle to do something.  There are times I wish I could focus on you more.  I have to chase Bubsy and  deal with him and it cuts into our time.  I need to start mommy/daddy son dates again.  The trouble is we don' t have a lot of time.  Maybe once a week or every other week we can spend some time together.

Sweetface is also a smart cookie.  Sometimes I'm surprised how smart you are.  You seem to be naturally good at math and other areas of school.  I think practice will keep you on track.  I'm not sure if you will be in the AIM program like Peanut, but if you are or even if you aren't it doesn't matter.  You can do and be whatever you want.  You are a different child and no less fantastic.  I also wish I had more time to dedicate to you.  I plan to spend some nap times working on this so I have some things prepared for you to do. 

Bubsy.  You are something else.  You look and act so much like the others did.  You are way ahead though.  You were walking very well the week before your first birthday.  The others barely took any step at all by one.  You have six teeth and seem to be getting some more.  You also have much longer hair than they did.  I need to spend some more time focusing on teaching you things.  It seems there is always something else to do.  Errands or a project or whatever.  I still need to work with you though.  Right now we are both sick so resting and getting better has been the priority.  I am hopeful we can get better soon and move on to new and better things.  The house starts to fall apart when I don't feel well.  I need to get back to normal.

I'm not sure what else to write for tonight.  I wanted to update a bit though.  Perhaps I can write more often then once per year?  Here is to hoping.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013


I guess I need a nickname for the new one.  I have been obsessed with having another baby for so long.  It felt so urgent and necessary even though I also felt OK with Peanut and Sweetface.  For reasons other than just to have a baby I had my IUD taken out.  I wasn't sure how or even if that would change things.  It did.  Your dad and I risked it.  Four weeks later the rabbit died.  Not really, but it's how it happened in ye olden days.

I'm still in shock I think.  Suddenly I feel old.  We've given so much of our baby stuff away and we'll have to start over a bit.  We still have a room, a crib and some clothes though.  Diapers and some bottles should be enough.  Binkies too! 

I have not yet been to the doctor but BabyCenter tells me you will be here on September 8.  The Chinese calendar tells me you are a girl, but I've heard that song before. 

I think I'm excited, but also very nervous.  This was moderately planned but not 100%.  I'm worried that I am ruining something.  Once the doctor confirms everything and we can hear you I think I'll feel better.  Clearly we are on track, but the elation has not yet come. 

Peanut and Sweetface will be excited.  They don't know yet.  We are waiting for confirmation before telling them.  I'm not sure how to tell anyone.  I wasn't sure how to tell dad.  He expected it though.  Somehow he seems calm and I'm the panicky one.  We are like that though.  If he freaks out I'm calm.  Maybe I should ask him to freak out a little. 

I'll find a name for you.  I hope to write here often so all three of you know how things were.

I love you. 


Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 2112

Dear Peanut & Sweetface,

Yesterday something horrible happened in our World.  Not here in our town, but another far away.  Senseless violence.  There is no reason or way to understand it.  But maybe you will remember being loved on and hugged tighter.  Parents everywhere grieved for families we don't know.  It's all we know to do.  Nothing will fix it.  There is no house to re-build, no town to put back together. 

God wins.  It's all the comfort I can grasp right now.  He will make all things right.  I wish it were happening right now, but it will happen when it is supposed to.  I wish every person would feel for their neighbors.  You don't have to like someone, but you do have to be respectful. 

I love you boys.  It breaks my heart to send you somewhere without me.  I think that if something were to every happen, I want to be there too.  I could not bear to hear that you are not coming home.  Please be safe.  Please tell me or your dad or someone if life becomes too much for you.  We will help in whatever way we can.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

Dear Peanut & Sweetface,

Last night was Halloween.  You both have been so excited about it for weeks.  Peanut you dressed as a bleeding skeleton and Sweetface you were a red ninja.  You both looked so good.  I stayed home to pass out candy so I have no idea what it was like actually trick or treating with you.  If it was anything like in years past you did great and had a blast.

Today Sweetface asked me what he should be for the next Halloween.  I said I thought we had time to decide.  Time is a hard concept for little ones.  One week may as well be a year.  When is Christmas, my birthday, school out, etc.?  I try to show on fingers how many days, weeks or months it may take.  Trouble is if it's beyond 10 days you have no idea. 

There are moments I have a hard time around the two of you.  You get rowdy and loud and wrestle and scream and and and...  I can't seem to grasp that.  I grew up a semi-only child since my sisters were all older than me.  I didn't grow up with boys either.  Daddy says you act normal.  Sometimes I wish you would sit down and do something quiet.  It's funny because you do if you are alone.  You will both color, play with toys or read or whatever.  Once you both are in the same room though, watch out!  I try to take a mommy break once in a while to sort of re-charge myself.  I feel guilty that sometimes I wish you were quieter.

Another baby has been on my mind.  I think you would like it, but I'm not sure.  I kind of feel like that ship has sailed and I should focus on the two of you only.  But sometimes I feel like there is a third child missing from our lives.  I'm not sure we'll ever have another. 

I love you guys.  I want you to enjoy being kids.  Sometimes you worry about things you don't need to worry about.  I try to tell you to let mommy and daddy worry about that stuff.  Most of the time that works and you are OK.


Monday, October 29, 2012

October 29, 2012

Dear Peanut,

At church you are learning about generosity.  This is something you already know a bit about.  You have a generous heart.  You are able to be empathetic.  This afternoon when you got home from school you asked for envelopes.  You took some up to your room.  I didn't ask what you were doing.  A while later I went up to check on you and there were three envelopes on your bed.  One addressed to me, one to your father and one to your brother.  I opened mine and there was a dollar bill and a piece of gum in there with a note.  My note said you loved me and I was the best mommy. 

You had taken money out of the birthday money you got just a couple days ago.  You gave us each one of your dollars and one piece of your gum.  You were sharing and showing your generosity.  I am very proud of you.  You want to make others happy.  You asked if we could give half of your "give" money to church and the other half to Jack.  I didn't understand which Jack you were talking about.  It's Jack Liu from China.  I think he is here visiting for a few months.  I guess they talk about him during kid activities, but I didn't know you knew anything about him. 

Where my heart stops in America and sometimes at my own doorstep, yours has no bounds.  Kids in Haiti need something - you want to go get it.  Someone needs something in China - you want to send it.  You see no borders or walls.  You see no difference.  I believe you see everyone as a person, not black, white, Hispanic or any other variety.  I realize you know the difference and you understand that this person is in fact, black and you are white, but it has no meaning to you. 

My dream for you is to always follow your heart.  Follow your heart and your brain will follow.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 4, 2012

Dear Sweetface,

Today I whacked you with the van door.  I had no clue you were in the garage and my hands were full.  I managed to get a tiny grip on the back door and threw it down.  Right, on your head.  Ouch.  You seem fine though. 

I feel like you are close to learning to read.  I'm not sure why, you really don't know all your letters, but you seem to look at books and say what they say sometimes.  I know right now it's just remembering the name and certain words and stuff, but still.  It makes me feel like you are closer rather than farther.

Some days I have horrible guilt because we stay home together and I don't do anything.  I do some laundry, run errands and sit at the computer.  You play, sing and entertain yourself.  Why don't I do more?  Why am I such a lazy parent?  I'm working on it.  I'm trying to work on it.

Anyway, I love you and hope the bump on your head is OK.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dear SweetFace

You are something else.  My heart just about explodes when I look at you.  You are funny, cute, sweet and wonderful.  At the same time you are a brat. 

I'm getting firm though.  I stand my ground with you.  Sometimes it seems so unreasonable though.  Today you would not put your shoes on by yourself.  I helped you get your pajamas off and your clothes on so it seemed fine to ask you to do one thing.  You refused, whined, cried, pleaded and otherwise would not do it.  I gave you the option of going without shoes.  Nothing.  I said I would fix you hair only if you put your shoes on.  Bam! Shoes. 

I'm worried about your speech.  It still seems behind to me.  Maybe I'm not sure what kids your age should sound like, but I worry we won't get it worked out.  I think I might start having mini speech sessions with you to help you practice.  T, R, J, L, are what we need to get still.  I listen to some of your cousins and they still have speech issues and they are way older than you.  I worry if I don't help somehow you will end up with trouble forever.

I think you might be behind on some learning too.  I need to figure out what is normal at this age.  Sometimes we expect too much from you because you aren't at the same level as Peanut.  I realize you are younger and will probably be behind him for quite some time.  I'm more concerned you are behind other kids your age. 

You are a stinker, but you tell me you love me all day long and I can't help but feel like I'm doing something right with you.  I treasure our stay home days together. 

I love you,
