Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dear SweetFace

You are something else.  My heart just about explodes when I look at you.  You are funny, cute, sweet and wonderful.  At the same time you are a brat. 

I'm getting firm though.  I stand my ground with you.  Sometimes it seems so unreasonable though.  Today you would not put your shoes on by yourself.  I helped you get your pajamas off and your clothes on so it seemed fine to ask you to do one thing.  You refused, whined, cried, pleaded and otherwise would not do it.  I gave you the option of going without shoes.  Nothing.  I said I would fix you hair only if you put your shoes on.  Bam! Shoes. 

I'm worried about your speech.  It still seems behind to me.  Maybe I'm not sure what kids your age should sound like, but I worry we won't get it worked out.  I think I might start having mini speech sessions with you to help you practice.  T, R, J, L, are what we need to get still.  I listen to some of your cousins and they still have speech issues and they are way older than you.  I worry if I don't help somehow you will end up with trouble forever.

I think you might be behind on some learning too.  I need to figure out what is normal at this age.  Sometimes we expect too much from you because you aren't at the same level as Peanut.  I realize you are younger and will probably be behind him for quite some time.  I'm more concerned you are behind other kids your age. 

You are a stinker, but you tell me you love me all day long and I can't help but feel like I'm doing something right with you.  I treasure our stay home days together. 

I love you,


Dear Peanut

Today as you were getting on the bus I leaned over and kissed you.  You shrugged me off with a grumpy "mom".  I realized it's probably uncool to be kissed in front of the school bus.  I get it.  I don't have to like it though. 

I want so much for you.  You have the ability to learn so many things.  When I was in school, learning was not my top priority.  Making friends and getting through was all consuming.  My friends never really stuck, but I managed to get through.  For you, I want you to enjoy it.  Take it all in stride.  Learn all the math, science, history and all of it you can.  Enjoy your friends, be nice to them. 

How do I give you a good experience?  I didn't have one so I don't know what it looks like.  Being positive and trying to motivate you are all I know.
