Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday - June Twenty-Ninth

Dear Peanut,

It's been over a year since I last sat down to write something.  Ideally, I would write each day or even every other day.  Life rushes on.  The last time I wrote you, you hadn't started school yet.  You had already learned to read.

School was not what I expected.  I thought you would breeze through, but there were some issues early on.  School expects you to be a little statue all day, only moving or speaking when asked.  This is not you.  Each day you complained about how boring school is.  At the time I thought that was your way of getting out of things.  Now I know different.

At the urging of your teacher and our own intuition we had you tested for ADD.  Negative.  So what gives?  You are smart, really smart.  Learning the alphabet when you already know how to read was probably insulting to you.  Learning numbers and basic math was below your capabilities too.  You love to learn, read think up new things and weren't really able to do any of that at school. 

We've looked into the gifted program, but I have reservations about that.  I think ultimately you would be fine in a special class, I wonder if it's best for you.  I want you to make friends, learn and enjoy (as best you can) school.  I don't want to single you out or make you uncomfortable.

Your brain works different than other kids your age.  You say things like "look a monarch", "let's go into that meadow" and lot's of other things I can't remember right now.  Going to the library is such a treat.  We went yesterday and you read all afternoon.  How do I encourage you, but not pressure you? 

You are very excited for first grade.  I do hope we get a teacher willing to work with us as much as last year.  Without teacher support I don't think things would have gone as well as they did.  I sort of dread this coming year and the trials that await us.  We will make it though, we always do.

Energetic is the only way to describe you.  We go play at the pool for hours and you are still ready to go.  You have a good heart.  You and Boo went to VBS and both loved it, you more than Boo.  You seem to understand talking about God and Jesus.  You both know facts and things, but you seem to 'get it' better than Boo.  I need to find a way to tap into that to help you in other areas.

I love you so much.  You are growing so fast I can't believe it.  One day I will turn around and you will be in college.  I want to take my time with each moment.  I want to give as much detail to each memory as I can. 

I love you,


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